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We Need You, to Find You!

Welcome! Many individuals do not know who they are, their purpose, where they are going, or what they are capable of doing. Each of us have a gift that is meant to be shared with the world for the betterment of our society. How we use that gift will determine our successes in life.

Nature’s beauty

I’ve always known that I loved helping people, I just didn’t know how it would happen. Armed with a finance degree from Xavier University of Louisiana, I still had no idea what I wanted to be or do. Only two weeks after graduation was when I realized my weapon of choice was not effective for my life’s purpose. One day, as I was standing in my apartment with a few friends, giving a make-shift “I believe we can achieve” speech about our gifts, dreams, and ambitions, I paused and said to myself, “I want to be a speaker.”

From motivational to inspirational to just wanting to help others achieve some worthwhile feat; all to help us achieve our purpose in life. I started creating videos and other content which led me here. You could be saying to yourself “there’s already millions of motivational speakers out there”, but I can’t help myself. That is my gift, that is my purpose, that’s my reason to live. Just like you, I must live what is in me regardless of who is already doing it.

Live what is in you!